Saturday, May 31, 2008

Take that, people who know stuff!!

So there I was, sitting in my orientation at CSULB last January, listening to the various Deans speak of the virtues of my new chosen university. As I listened, the Dean of Students told all of us “transfer” students of a statistic that showed most transfers lose ½ a point in their GPA due to inexperience. Not that we hadn’t already proved we were college students just by being accepted, but that Community College classes were “different.”

What the…??? Are you freakin’ kidding? Have you met me? Well, of course you haven’t. Just you wait until my OCD kicks in…

Well, this morning my grades were posted for the spring semester: STRAIGHT A’s!!! As Ron Weasley would say, “bloody brilliant!”

I guess I showed them!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Like I need a new project

A blog? So what the heck am I thinking? As the title suggests, I do have too much on my plate (and that is not just a reference about food!). But it is Friday. It is my day off. I’m on break from my college classes. Why not start ANOTHER new project?

If only I could finish something first…

I suppose I should mention that I did just complete my first semester at the “big kid’s school,” CSULB after spending what seemed like an eternity at a community college. Full time work + part time school = infinity!

So I did finish something…YAY ME!

What does that say about my pile of unfinished knitting projects??? It says I have joined the ranks of the A.D.D. knitters. Ooh and ahh, I really need to make that don’t I? Especially if the yarn is on sale, then watch out! Don’t even get me started about eBay. I have 7 weeks to fire up the needles and get that sweater done before summer school starts.

I'm on a mission to find out just what all I can accomplish! My first goal is to contact the Clock & Calendar "Folks" and instruct them to make each day 30+ hours long and add a day to the week. I don't think that is too much to ask and using my newfound skills of persuasive writing, I should convince them to do my bidding.

Then it is back to the Top Down Raglan Sweater...